Welcome to the Patriots Run Arizona Chapter

Arizona has become ground zero for voter fraud and stolen elections, and all of this has happened because Democrats took control of key positions and our Republican leaders in office were too weak to do their jobs. As a result our state, and our Presidency, has been stolen from us. The Patriots Run Project was started to help conscious conservatives stand up and hold the elites in both parties and save our nation from destruction.

We must stop the Uniparty of corporate, elitist politicians who are selling out America to the Anti-Christian Communist Left by protecting our elections and securing our borders.

The political elites in both parties are sell-outs who only care about increasing their own power and wealth while the workers who built this nation are struggling under higher inflation, higher taxes, and funding more bailouts and welfare programs. We’re tired of watching our American values be criticized on campaign trails and in the halls of power at the Capitol by liberals and RINOs.

It’s time to overtake this woke, communist apologizing legacy of McCain, Flake, Ducey and their political class before Arizona becomes the next California.

What is the Uniparty & How are they harming America?

The Uniparty is the cabal of elites occupying powerful positions in both the Democrat and Republican Parties, who operate to serve globalist interests of their anti-American corporate interests rather than hard-working, traditional American families.

It’s why despite decades of full Republican control of both Legislative Chambers and the Governor’s Office (with a couple short exceptions) almost nothing has meaningfully changed in our state. The murder of the pre-born is still legal. Our border is still unsecured. Fentanyl and other drugs are being smuggled and sold by the cartels with impunity. Attacks on our police and law enforcement go unpunished. Our children are in danger from groomers in libraries and school buildings. And in the face of all this danger, people still want to take away our 2A rights.

The Uniparty is why America, and Arizona, have become unrecognizable to decent, conservative, faithful Americans in just a generation.

Our Values


No state has had it worse than Arizona when it comes to voter fraud. Arizona’s vote by mail system has so many failures it’s difficult to calculate the scale of the problem, and when we’ve funded an audit of the system that finds evidence of widespread fraud, the political elites in both Parties sweep it all under the rug. Even the Republican in charge of elections in Maricopa County has fought hard to prevent any real examination of the scale of voter fraud in Arizona.


Arizona has long been one of the strongest state for respecting and protecting our rights to self defense, and our rights spelled out in the Constitution. Now we have gun-grabbers in the highest office and as our Attorney General. It won’t be long before all of our rights are under threat from every angle. We have to be prepared to defend our rights asymmetrically.


The rights of the pre-born are under assault in Arizona. Abortions have been too easy in our state for far too long. But now we have a Planned-Parenthood plant as Governor and the demonic forces of our state are preparing to enshrine the right to murder babies into state law in 2024. We have to act now if we are ever going to preserve and protect the sanctity of life.


The Uniparty politicians stood by while our cities were burned to the ground in racist protests by communist BLM and ANTIFA.

They tied the hands of our police and left us to defend ourselves. No more. We will make sure our homes and property are protected.


All Americans have the birthright to make their own medical decisions when it comes to what will be injected into their own bodies. Arizonans endured lockdowns and schools closed by Republicans and Democrats in our state leadership. Our precious children were muzzled with masks that set their development and learning back by years. They became afraid of the outdoors. We will never cower to bureaucratic tyranny again.

We Need You


Our nation’s greatest strength has always been its bold and strong Patriots. When freedom needed men and women to stand up, wherever the call came from, American Patriots answered and won.

Now our very way of life is under threat, assaulted from all sides. We must open our eyes and face the tyranny already occupying our government offices. It’s time to rise, it’s time to run. Learn more about our growing movement by reaching out.